Monday, August 13, 2007

Friday Night Train Wreck

Just found one of the poems I wrote as a teenager...

Bill, Shelly and Tammy
-- but seeing as I'm a poet I'll call them Sebastian, Lulu and Fifi --
finish up their beers,
finish up their pot,
finish up their coke,
and sit quiet for awhile.
But Lulu, she's thinking,
Sebastian acts like he don't even remember
our night of illicit love. Acts like he don't even recall saying so sweet,
"Lulu, you got a hell of a nice butt." Well he was awful drunk.


Fifi, she's sitting unsuspecting between Lulu and Sebastian.
You see, she's the mama of Sebastian's bastard child
(they're not married or nothing).
And she's thinking, this is wild and all, sitting in a parking lot
on a Friday night,
but, well, what about little Eustace?
Eustace? Billy, Jr. I mean. (Must have been that last bowl.)
But, oh hell, he can stay at Mama's place.


Sebastian, he all of a sudden shouts, "Let's go for a ride!"
waking Lulu from her revery,
shaking Fifi from maternal kind of urgings.
And they fold up their lawn chairs, fling them into the truck bed
and clamber up and in,
Sebastian behind the wheel,
Fifi in the middle
and Lulu on the end.


Fifi's giggling and wiggling against her man's thigh
and he's sucking on a cigarette like a downhome James Dean,
but Lulu, she's staring out the window.
And she's thinking,
So what if Fifi's got bigger tits?
Another year, they'll be sagging -- she don't wear no bra.


And these three friends, they're bouncing up and down on the cracked
vinyl seat, rubbing against resilient flesh,
and man, that's right, this is Sebastian's going away party!
"Sebastian, you're coming back again someday, aren't you?" asks Lulu.
"Yep. Maybe in a couple of years."
"You think they'll parole you that soon?"
And they sit quiet for awhile.
Maybe things do come to an end.


Sebastian shouts.
And Fifi says, "You think I ought to go blonder?"
But Lulu, she's thinking,
Sebastian's acting like he don't even know
We're up here on the train tracks.
Acts like he don't even realize we're not going nowhere.
And those lights, those lights
Aren't the big city lights.
And Lulu, she says, "Yeehaw."
But boy, she don't sound like she means it.

And that train pushed them all the way from Seventh to First.
And some who saw it said it was better than
the goddamn Danbury High homecoming parade.
Even that year they won state.

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