Friday, March 12, 2010

An email (since lately I can't manage to write anything else)

Hello, Mr. and Mrs. B!

Are you guys watching American Idol this year?  Any favourites, yet?  I am somewhat addicted.  I was telling R that I only watched documentaries on tv.  Sigh.  American Idol is sort of a documentary, isn't it?

By the way, the button on my third pair of jeans just broke -- the other two have broken zippers.  Now I am beginning to wonder if the problem lies elsewhere than in the manufacturing.  Sigh.  Back to doing sit-ups.

Hmmm....the first two paragraphs of this email don't make me sound too appealing, do they?   Fat and watching tv.  Well, let's see if it improves!

How are you guys?  And how is M?  Is she liking school?  My cat is doing pretty well.

Lately, I sound so stilted in emails...My ex-boyfriend, Englebert E. Dundas, emailed me out of the blue on my birthday, and I considered replying, but my one attempt sounded so formulaic, I abandoned it.  And, I've no desire to be his pen-pal, either.  He lives in Iowa.  He included a photo of his twin babies, saying "they're getting cuter and fatter every day."  As if I'd asked.  I suppose he's curious as to how I'm aging.  Hah!  (I don't know what that "hah" is for, actually.)

Hey, have you guys read Patrick O'Brian, yet?  I'm on my third round.  Gosh, I am so addicted.  I'm planning a Patrick O'Brian pilgrimage in Spain this June.  About 200 miles.

Well, I hope you guys are fine.   Please remember to visit London!!!!


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