Monday, June 3, 2013

On the way to the airport this morning

"If I don't look at your face, and just listen to your voice, you sound Chinese," the cab driver said, glancing at me in the rear view mirror.

"My sister-in-law is Taiwanese."

"Maybe you picked it up from her, then."


"Just from your voice, I picture a very different face."

"Oh dear.  What kind of face?"

"A nice face. "  He paused, perhaps reflecting upon this better face.  Then, "I would never have guessed American.  Maybe you have a cold?"


Now it was his turn to "huh."

"But, I think I have allergies."

"Yes, this is a bad time for allergies."  He waved at all the concrete around us.  And that settled that.

I hadn't thought up till now that I had allergies, but then, I never thought I sounded Chinese, either.

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